The Sandrose Hotel in the oasis of Bahariya
Traditional Regional Style Hotel
The Sandrose Hotel has been built with German participation and was established in spring of 2011. The hotel has been furnished with a modern touch and all rooms are of course equipped with air conditioning systems, colour television sets and own bathrooms. As well we offer WiFi internet connections to our guests.
Peace and relaxation
While planning and building of the Sandrose we paid special attention to give it the charm of a modern oasis hotel.
The wavy frontage lend a particularly characteristic appearance to the Sandrose Hotel and
the courtyard with swimming-pool and sitting area like these of the bedounines still offers
a cosy place to our guests for resting and sitting together -
as it has always been in the oases of Egypt.
Because of the exceptional and higher location at the edge of Bahariya Oasis our guests cannot just enjoy the
view of the town of Bawiti and the surrounding mountains, but the silence and peace around the hotel
as well.